A Few Bridges



Some bridges to cross

These are just some of my favourite links, in no particular order...  I find them fun, maybe you will too?

My Space
I'm a child of my generation... I have a myspace ;-).  Check it out if you ever get bored.
My Pictures
Where I store a great majority of my pictures online.
My old xanga

Home of my old public online journal, prior to myspace.

Kutztown University

The webpage for Kutztown University.  (The college I attend)

Jenna's photos (1)

Jenna Clavens photo-page

Jenna's photos (2)
Her other photo-page

Bridget's KCF photos

Bridget's photos- amazing memories of KCF's good ole days

Sarah-foot's photos

Sarah Handfest's photos- good ole memories of faire and fun times

Don Hertzfeldt's "Billy's Balloon"

One of the funnies videos in all eternity... I love Don Hertzfeldt's films.

Muffin films
Do you like muffins?
Matzo's poetry

Some of an old friend's poetry...

Have Fun!
